Professional SEO Services

It’s time to hire an SEO agency that can deliver real results

Take the guesswork out of your organic traffic strategy. We’ll help you to get more leads and revenue by implementing modern and effective SEO campaigns tailored to your business goals.

Market Research and Strategy

SEO Strategy and Market Research serve not just as preparatory steps but as continuous guiding principles we are creating for you to understand your online business environment, target audience, and competitive landscape. Here are the key components that are included in our SEO Strategy and Market Research:

Market Analysis

Market Analysis

Our initial step involves thoroughly analyzing your target market, including its size, trends, demographic profiles, and user behaviors. This comprehensive analysis will help us to create strategies that resonate with the market dynamics.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Once we identify your direct and indirect competitors, we’ll analyze their strengths, weaknesses, SEO strategies, keywords, backlink profiles, and content marketing efforts. By doing this, we’ll uncover new opportunities for your business.

Keyword Research

Keyword Research

Identifying relevant keywords and phrases that potential customers use in their search queries ensures we target only the most impactful keywords.

Target Audience Identification

Target Audience Identification

By understanding who your ideal customers are, including their needs, preferences, and search behaviors, we can tailor your SEO and content strategies more effectively.

SEO Audits

SEO Audits

Our team of experts will conduct an SEO audit, which is crucial for pinpointing how your website stands in terms of SEO health, revealing critical areas for improvement across on-page, off-page, and technical SEO elements.

Content Gap Analysis

Content Gap Analysis

We compare your content to competitors' to identify topics, keywords, and content types you're missing. By bridging these gaps, we aim to drive more traffic and enhance user engagement for you.

UX and UI Analysis

UX and UI Analysis

To ensure a seamless user experience, we’ll evaluate the mobile responsiveness, site speed, and overall design.

Backlink Analysis

Backlink Analysis

Our team will thoroughly assess your backlink profile, evaluating the quantity and quality of external sites linking to your website. We ensure your portfolio maintains high-quality backlinks while identifying and advising on the removal of toxic links that could negatively impact your SEO performance.

SERP Analysis

SERP Analysis

We will analyze the search engine results for targeted keywords to understand which type of content is ranking well and identify opportunities for featured snippets, local SEO, etc.

Trend Analysis

Trend Analysis

We’ll keep track of industry trends, search algorithm updates, and emerging technologies in order to stay up-to-date and refine your SEO strategy over time.

Goal Setting

Goal Setting

Together, we'll define clear, measurable goals for your SEO campaign, focusing on meaningful metrics like organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rates.

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

With a comprehensive plan in hand, we outline the steps to achieve your SEO aspirations. This roadmap is tailored to prioritize actions, efficiently allocate resources, and set realistic timelines for success.

On-Page SEO

At Guaranteed Marketing, we understand that On-Page SEO is pivotal for boosting your website's visibility and performance in search engine results. Our collaborative approach to optimizing your web pages is built on a comprehensive strategy designed to elevate your site's ranking and draw in more relevant traffic. Here's how we work on implementing key components of On-Page SEO:

Title Tags Optimization

Title Tags Optimization

Our team will craft unique, keyword-rich titles for each page, accurately reflecting its content to enhance search engine rankings and visibility.

Meta Descriptions

Meta Descriptions

We'll craft meta descriptions with targeted keywords that concisely summarize your page content, enhancing its relevance and appeal in search results.

Headings Optimization

Headings Optimization

We strategically use headings to structure content for easy reading and optimal search engine indexing, emphasizing the main title with the H1 tag.

URL Structure Improvement

URL Structure Improvement

We optimize URLs for conciseness, relevance, and clarity, including essential keywords and a logical structure to support search engine crawling and user understanding.

Alt Text for Images

Alt Text for Images

We assign descriptive alt text to images, helping search engines understand the image content and its context.

Enhancing Loading Speed

Enhancing Loading Speed

Our team employs optimization techniques to minimize page loading times, recognizing speed as a crucial factor in search rankings and user experience.



We prioritize optimizing your website for mobile devices, enhancing layout, speed, and navigation for better SEO and user experience on all screens.

Content Quality Assurance

Content Quality Assurance

We’ll produce high-quality, original content that delivers value and incorporates keywords naturally, aiming to captivate readers and elevate search engine rankings.

Keyword Optimization

Keyword Optimization

We thoughtfully integrate relevant keywords within the content, headings, and meta tags, enabling search engines to understand and index the page topics accurately.

Internal Linking Strategy

Internal Linking Strategy

Our strategic internal linking enhances site navigability and search engine crawling, bolstering the overall SEO strength of your website.

Social Sharing Buttons Integration

Social Sharing Buttons Integration

We incorporate social sharing options to encourage content distribution, indirectly augmenting the page's visibility and engagement.

Schema Markup Implementation

Schema Markup Implementation

By applying schema markup, we improve how search engines interpret and display the page content, enhancing visibility in search results.

Ensuring Website Security and Accessibility

Ensuring Website Security and Accessibility

Transitioning to HTTPS and optimizing the site's accessibility with proper robots.txt and sitemap configurations are essential steps we take for security and search engine accessibility.

Our SEO strategy is not just about adjustments; it's about transforming your online presence to achieve lasting success in the digital landscape.


Technical SEO Audits

Technical SEO audit involves the process of checking all technical aspects of a website as well as website architecture optimization. When we talk about SEO audits' complexity, then technical SEO audits are one of the most important and complex. A proper technical SEO audit requires a great deal of knowledge of all the essential ranking factors that negatively or positively affect your website's positioning on search engines.

During the technical SEO audit, our experts check parameters such as page load speed, 301 redirects, 404 pages, links to redirect, duplicate content, near-duplicate content, pagination, canonical tags, and more.

Website Architecture Optimization

Website Architecture Optimization is creating and implementing a strategy that allows search engine crawlers to find and index your relevant content easily. The importance of this type of optimization is reflected in giving relevant pages more authority.

Guaranteed Marketing SEO experts will also audit your low-value pages and de-index them, thus increasing your crawling budget.


Exhaustive Keyword Research

Properly defining keywords that are tailored to your business is of great importance when talking about SEO. The Guaranteed Marketing team of SEO experts will do a detailed analysis of all pages on your website. Based on your content, services, or products, we will create a strategy to ensure that you rank for keywords relevant to your business.

Content Writing

The importance of content marketing is widely known. By constantly improving your website content and writing blog posts, you obtain a higher percentage of the market share and ensure a significant increase in organic traffic to your website. Guaranteed Marketing's team of writers will produce SEO-friendly content for you.

Content tailored to your website brings many opportunities to impact your business positively. A Guaranteed Marketing team of experienced writers and SEO experts pays extra attention to selecting content tailored to your business industry. Before writing a blog post that will inform your potential consumers or customers about your new products or services, we always do detailed keyword research.


Content Optimization

If you want to increase your online market share, you need to know that it is not enough to write an article. To start ranking for specific keywords (which is the goal of writing blog posts), you need to have a strategy that will allow your business to progress constantly and bring valuable organic traffic to your website.

For a web page to be competitive and achieve significant results in organic visits to your website, it is necessary to define the keywords you want to rank for. After determining the keywords, it is essential to write high-quality content and do the proper optimization.

These are just some of the guidelines that our agency implements:

  • Defining H tags
  • Properly written and implemented meta tags
  • Positioning keywords within a web page
  • Adequate paragraph length
  • Defining internal and external link structure
  • Page indexing and regular updates
  • Improving E-A-T factors (Expertise, Authority, and Trust)
  • Image optimization

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO involves analyzing and implementing strategies that do not relate to direct work on your website but outside it. The essential strategy includes Backlink Analysis and Risk Assessment, followed by improving social network presence and brand building, to name some.

Backlink Analysis and Risk Assessment

The importance of content marketing is widely known. By constantly working and writing blog posts, you obtain a higher percentage of the market share and ensure a significant increase in organic traffic to your website. Guaranteed Marketing's team of writers will produce SEO-friendly content for you.

Content tailored to your website brings many opportunities to impact your business positively. A Guaranteed Marketing team of experienced writers and SEO experts pays extra attention to selecting content tailored to your business industry. Before writing a blog post that will inform your potential consumers or customers about your new products or services, we always do detailed keyword research.


Competition Analysis

Guaranteed Marketing will do a detailed analysis of your competition so you can always be one step ahead of everyone. When analyzing your competition, we will look at the many factors that affect positioning on search engines:

  • Competitors’ organic keywords
  • Domain rating
  • Estimated organic search traffic
  • Estimated number of keyword rankings
  • Backlinks strength
  • Traffic br/eakdown by country
  • Content gap

SEO Audits

SEO audits include:

  • On-Page SEO Audit
  • Off-Page SEO Audit
  • Technical SEO Audit
  • Backlink Audit

Each of the mentioned SEO audits is important when we talk about properly optimizing a website. During the Guaranteed Marketing audit, our SEO experts will identify any irregularities and suggest a strategy tailored to your website; thus, your website will start to improve in ranking positions on search engines.


Google Penalty Recovery

If you've noticed a significant drop in organic visits, it's time to react quickly!

What exactly is Google Penalty, and how can it potentially affect your business?

Google has developed unique algorithms that aim to check all predefined SEO parameters and decide on ranking positions. In short, you have no reason to worry if all the SEO parameters are properly defined on your site. However, in most cases, many websites do not have proper SEO implemented, and one Google algorithmic update is enough to penalize the website or cause a significant drop in visits and, in some cases, a complete loss of organic traffic.

There are several types of Google penalties: Panda, Penguin, Manual actions, Malware.

What exactly causes Google's penalty, and how can Guaranteed Marketing help you remove it?

Google updates its algorithms several times a year, and new guidelines are defined with each update. Google penalties are triggered by many factors, such as:

  • Duplicate content
  • Excessive reciprocal links
  • Overusing H1 tags
  • Keyword stuffed content
  • Hidden links
  • Hidden content
  • Anchor text overuse
  • Spam reports
  • Link to suspicious sites
  • Over-optimization and much more

As you can see, the list of guidelines to follow is extensive, so you need a company like Guaranteed Marketing.

If you have suffered a Google penalty, we will do a detailed check of the reasons that triggered it and implement a strategy that will bring your business back into play. You need to know that recovery time from a Google penalty can take between a few weeks and a few months (in the case of websites that have suffered a significant drop in organic traffic). It is also important to mention that no one can guarantee you with certainty that your website's organic traffic will return to the period before the Google penalty.


Choose Guaranteed Marketing for your SEO Services


Proven Experience

We are proud to point out that our SEO experts have been actively improving our client's businesses worldwide for more than 10 years. By cooperating and sharing experience and knowledge, our team will work hard to improve your ranking positions and bring valuable organic traffic to your website.


Dedicated Approach to Each Client

Guaranteed Marketing does not differentiate between clients, and we dedicate ourselves equally to each of our clients, with a lot of attention, respect, and trust. Your success is our success. You can expect from us not only successful projects but also understanding and building a trusted relationship.


Building Long-Lasting Relationships

Through active collaboration with our clients, we have built loyal relationships. Relationships that ensure you can rely on our team at all times. We are here for our clients to give answers to every question and dilemma they have.


Counting on Results

With Guaranteed Marketing, you can count on progress. Applying the knowledge we have gained through many years of experience, we will ensure you visible results. Years of work in the SEO industry have brought us many challenges. Challenges we have surpassed.


Constant Improvement

We are proud to note that each of our SEO experts is constantly working to improve their knowledge, and this, as a Guaranteed Marketing team, gives us an advantage over competitors.


Transparent Reporting

Guaranteed Marketing uses state-of-the-art tracking platforms to understand your website’s current state, so we know at any given time what changes we need to implement and additionally improve your ranking positions.

Search Engine Optimization FAQs

How long does it take for my site to start ranking better?+

SEO takes time. Depending on the volume of changes and your current ranking position, progress can be seen after 3 to 6 months at a minimum.

How much should I pay for SEO services?+

How much you should pay depends on your business needs and the outcome you want to accomplish. Business owners typically invest around $5000 per month in SEO services to achieve tangible results.

What is the role of analytics in SEO?+

We use analytics in SEO to monitor website performance, understand how users interact with your site, and identify the keywords that drive traffic. This data enables us to make informed decisions regarding improving your website's search rankings and boosting engagement.

How do you measure the success of an SEO campaign?+

We measure the success of an SEO campaign by the growth in organic traffic, improvements in relevant keyword rankings, enhancements in conversion rates, the quality of backlinks we acquire, and the increases in revenue or goal completions derived from organic search.

Are You Ready to Take Your Brand One Step Ahead of Competitors?

Result-driven strategies are just one click away. Contact us today to begin your online presence transformation.

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